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Congratulations! If You Plan on Going to Disney World, Obsess Over Marvel Movies, or Watch ABC News; You Support Censoring Democrat Politicians From Talking Directly to Real People
Congratulations! If You Plan on Going to Disney World, Obsess Over Marvel Movies, or Watch ABC News; You Support Censoring Democrat Politicians From Talking Directly to Real People
Congratulations! If You Plan on Going to Disney World, Obsess Over Marvel Movies, or Watch ABC News; You Support Censoring Democrat Politicians From Talking Directly to Real People
Congratulations! If You Plan on Going to Disney World, Obsess Over Marvel Movies, or Watch ABC News; You Support Censoring Democrat Politicians From Talking Directly to Real People
May 4, 2023
Contributed by Travis J, MBA

Robert F Kennedy Jr was censored by ABC to affect the 2024 election

Congratulations! If You Plan on Going to Disney World, Obsess Over Marvel Movies, or Watch ABC News; You Support Censoring Democrat Politicians From Talking Directly to Real People
If you don't have the patience to watch 5 minutes (above), let's zoom in for 30 seconds OVVit:
Keep in mind while people who doubted that they "needed" the vaccine—
Well, actually—let me back up for a moment so we can set the stage. Sometimes the jab was mistakenly referred to as a "vaccine" when it never was, legally, technically, or scientifically anything of the sort. We'll hear from the gentleman who actually invented the mRNA technology, later in this article. You know—science, evidence, data, FACTS—that went into what the jab *actually* was; not how you were guilted into getting jabbed by your supposed "betters". Then we moved into a time period where information blazed in, from all over the world, showing that the whole idea that "people who refused to get the jab were harming other people" was utterly false. Asymptomatic transmission was more myth than reality.
And you wanna know the really interesting part? It wasn't only the so-called mouth-breathing, MAGA, Trump-hat, knuckle-dragging "y8" deplorables who were vaccine-hesitant. Many many black, brown, and blue-collar folks in our country don't trust the federal government to tell them what to put in their bodies. So the powers-that-be had to scare people. But this man from the hood—who's one of the realest folk you could ever meet—probably said it best:
Not to mention—during fateful weekends in January 2022(-ish), people



were pushing back against these nonsensical vaccine mandates WORLDWIDE. I even talked about this in a video, against the Chinese Communist Party's desperate attempts to legitimize their murderous and racist regime to the world, back in January 2022. 
So that means back in 2020, while Antifa and the false-flag-named "Black Lives Matter" scumbag fake executives were using your money to buy mansions for themselves and burn down our great country; while you were blowing your top at everyone and everything resembling MAGA; maybe while you were changing your profile picture to some black shape ("I'm HELPing~"); you were allowing yourself to be dog-whistled by the new Democrat Party KKK. Yeah, sorry-not-sorry if you don't like to face FACTS, but it was the Democrat Party who ran the KKK back when. That's just FACTS. You know—science, evidence, data, FACT. And if you were acting like the ways I mentioned in this paragraph, you were acting like the KKK. And you need to apologize for acting like the KKK. That means a lot of Democrat voters—including black, brown, and blue-collar folk—were acting like the KKK. Will you apologize for how you acted like the KKK?
Congratulations! If You Plan on Going to Disney World, Obsess Over Marvel Movies, or Watch ABC News; You Support Censoring Democrat Politicians From Talking Directly to Real People
'Course after the Biden Administration kept losing lawsuit after lawsuit related to vaccine mandates and garbage like that, you finally and gloriously started to shut your trap. Trust me—every time that happened, we all laughed from a good healthy place. And it was healthier because we didn't edit our genetic make-up by mRNA injections like you did.
Remember when Hillary Clinton failed miserably in her Presidential run? One of the (many) flops that were pushed by her weak and intellectually-limited team around her was to say,

Yes, well, we have a website where we are ~TraCKinG DonALd’s LIES~, and you can see them in real-time during our debate."

And the typical, low-information robot Democrat voter clapped hands and said, “yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, MAGA-man baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, we gonna wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Thankfully you lost. I sleep more soundly (by the way—in my MyPillow mattress, MyPillows, MyPillow sheets, and MyPillow pillow-covers) many nights; and I laugh and smile from a good healthy place deep in my gut from time-to-time, knowing I voted against Hillary Clinton.
And hey—I give her at least a little credit; that it's important to look at science, evidence, data, facts when making decisions. Like, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from a fully-accredited United States institution a year early, in undergrad. Then, I went on to graduate with a graduate-level MBA from a university fully-accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Businesses with a higher-than-3.5 GPA.
But it wasn't right for all of the Big Pharma-subsidized media and state-media, when they were basically telling us all,

"You’re a ’bad person’ if you don’t vaccinate, and you’re putting people around you at risk"

It is and (always was) a LIE.
And I can promise you—zero chance I care that you don't like or don't want to hear it. That's for you to deal with—I'm living my best life. Haha, and to boot—living and thriving without an mRNA gene-modifying poison coursing through my veins, changing my biological makeup.
So again. Sorry not sorry that facts and studies from around the world continue to come out, illustrating things like asymptomatic spread was never the killer with which you tried to bludgeon your friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances; the jabs damage you over time; and entities around the world were actually covering up data about efficacy of the jabs. Thankfully, not all of us lost our brains or traded-in all of our rights for that false-flag of fear; even if you fell for Big-Pharma and the corporatist, fascist Information-State's big-money lies. But, please—tell me more about how you're ~AntiFascist~.

How does it feel that those moms who were parading around in Florida with a boom-box, blaring “We’re not gonna take it” were right and you were wrong?

Hashtag #InquiringMinds want to know.
In fact, meet left-wing Democrat Dr. Naomi Wolf. This person was a well-known Democrat political operative for decades; working in Mr. Clinton’s election efforts, Al Gore’s; voted for Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden; an all-around “good Democrat” by their (insane) Democrat Party standards. I mean, let's be honest—basically the Democrat Party’s standards, these days, have boiled down to, “Hey, sit down, shut up, stay on our Democrat National Committee plantation and do what we say, or you’ll be sorry. Oh and by the way, don’t forget to give $10 to ActBlue or you’re racist.” The courageous Dr. Wolf was kicked off of twitter during this whole plague-era through which we've been living, merely for reading an official press release from a State-Senator in Oregon in 2021.
And by the way, as told by another Democrat who happens to be the doctor who invented the mRNA technology that was used in the original jabs, it was never a “Vaccine” at the beginning. It was gene-modifying injection, changing who you are if you got the jab. Dr. Robert Malone—this other Democrat—was a two-time-voter for Mr. Obama, voted for Mr. Biden, and overall has been a long-time Democrat. And—you’re gonna love this next part—Dr. Malone is now one of the largest, loudest, leading voices regarding the ugly truths about these jabs and “boosters”. In fact, both Dr. Malone and Dr. Wolf's rhetoric is akin to the Kennedy Democrat who is challenging Joe Biden for the Democrat Party Presidential nomination in 2024. And right on-cue, just because the mainstream media doesn't like it, they're trying to tie Robert F Kennedy Jr. to none other than Steve Bannon.

Here we go again with the misinformation, disinformation, and fear-mongering from the traditional media and powers-that-be

What was it we said earlier in this article about fear-mongering? In my best Count von Count impression, from Sesame Street; I count
And Mr. Biden only just announced, a few days ago. But wait, but wait—I seem to remember another thing in this article..?
Oh yeah—evidence, data, and FACT:
The super-powerful elites and the Democrat Party can clutch their pearls all they want, but the truth will out. Or even better, maybe their scumbag treasure-trove banks will keep failing. I'm good either way.
While I digress—I hope the Democrat National Committee likes what they did. They went and pissed-off enough people of color that Mr. Trump has yugely increased his support among Hispanics. More minorities in our great country than EVER are leaving the Democrat Party plantation, becoming Republicans. ELECTED MINORITIES around the country are switching from being Democrats to being Republicans, like this lady in North Carolina, this long-time Black Democrat from a farm family in the South—both of whom have flipped away from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party since 2021. Black organizations like Blexit, former NBA player Royce White and his show called Please Call Me Crazy, Blacks for Trump, Diamond and Silk® are popping up all the time. It's quite refreshing to see many, many black, brown, and blue-collar folk in our great country who are leaving the Democrat Party plantation.
Matter of fact—look at this Brooklyn mom, after she detailed her excruciating experience about her son's death, due to crime in New York. She then was being mansplained by Mr.-rich-white-Democrat-man-representative-from-New-York—and she not havin it. Yeah, sorry, this ain't fake-news: it all happened in the official House of Representatives Judiciary Committee field-hearing in New York. Notice in this clip how she LOUDLY and BOLDLY proclaimed,


Oh, and in that clip—make sure you also watch the part where the awesome freshman congressman from Houston, TX, Wesley Hunt says, “And ma’am – you’re not the only one [black person] who left the [Democrat] plantation. It’s happening ALLLL across the country.
Thanks for the gift, Democrat National Committee. We deeply urge you to keep doing these things you’re doing, because your disgusting party is eating itself; and I am all the way here for it. It makes me smile when gutter, state-funded trash like NPR continues to write articles with—let's be blunt—subliminal undertones of anyone who doesn’t fall in line with Democrat Party talking points must be "fat-phobic", "ableist", "ageist", "transphobic"—on-and-on with their made-up right-think.

We’re rejecting your sick, Pan Em wet dreams of governance, NPR.

And while the elites in both of the main political parties act like out-of-touch tyrannical, overlord Pan Em psychopaths, our country's decline has been greatly accelerated by the Democrat National Committee moreso than the RNC/GOP. Don't take it from me—look no further than Leonardo DiCaprio's recent under-penalty-of-perjury trial testimony; where he talks about the intention of a group of internal circle-jerking Democrat operatives and Chinese Communist Party CCP assets/agents who, about 10 years ago, were working overtime at funneling tens of millions of dollars into the Democrat National Committee in order to affect the outcome of an election. Or—is all that stuff "baseless claims"? Sorry, I forgot, that's what we're supposed to think about difficult-to-hear election FACTS. And what's worse, they did it to pave the way for Chinese Communist Party influence into our judiciary and politics, during the early 2010’s. And who was it who won during the early 2010's and filled our judiciary? Hmm, who was it..?
The job-losses that trash like NPR are suffering are 110% deserved. Hope you’re enjoying your time off twitter, trash. You can always come join me on GETTR. Or maybe you should stop spending so much money on fancy microphones to TRY to make Hakeem Jeffries sound like Malcolm X. And by the way—the way he moves his hands and speaks slowly is completely ineffective. He's trying to be like Donald Trump, and he's failing. Thank. GOD.
NPR disgusts me, just like its paymaster/overseer—the Democrat National Committee—disgusts me.
(watch all 5 minutes) :
Credit: C-SPAN, Blexit, Politico, Diamond and Silk®, CNN, Please Call me Crazy [Royce White],, Blacks for Trump, Steve Bannon, Dr. Robert Malone's Substack, Chiefnerd, Dinesh D'Souza, LifeSite News, Dr. Paul Alexander, ABC, FOX8, The Hill, MyPillow, NBC, NY Times, Forbes, AP, CBS, Steve Kirsch
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